The Coaching Club Master Class
Master Class Series: The 6 Pillars of Success:
June 24, July 22, August 12, September 23,
October 21, November 18, December 9
6-month Program Plus Bonus Wrap-Up | One Coaching Club Session per Month
Fridays, 8a-9a PST Register here - Spaces limited
The pillars of success, the fundamental principles needed to be successful are subjective to each person, but if we know how to achieve a true sense of self, a healthier life-work balance, we cannot fail. When we have personal introspection of our own Power our achievements and intentionality is empowered. Play is so important to sustain us through all facets of our life, because with joy our impact is far more reaching. Living in Purpose is different from living on purpose. Clarity of our passions allows us to follow a purpose that brings influence and authenticity to everything we do.
Are you ready for clarity of purpose? Do you want to build a work/life balance grounded in principles that keep you moving in the direction of what truly matters to you?
This empowering master class series is for you, if:
You are ready to have a work/life balance
that impacts their ability
to enjoy life and have a
thriving business
You believe you CAN have it all...power, play, and purpose.
You are ready to collaborate and
improve your skills-
turning them into mastery.​
Reach out to Janet anytime at with questions.